Giveaway Winner Recipe: Chris Conanan Featuring MCT Oil Powder
Zammex Nutrition was created with one goal in mind: improve the quality of life for people both inside and out. Our principles of Purity Realized and Health Made Simple are the pillars from which Zammex is built. It is through this core that we aim to rewrite the story of aging and make it a beautiful journey. We value our customers and always appreciate when they get involved with Zammex.
In September, we ran a contest that asked for our loyal customers to submit their favorite recipe we’d pick a winner and give them free product. The winner was Chris Conanan with this simple, yet satisfying recipe using MCT Oil Powder. Congratulations Chris and thank you for the recipe!
MCT Goes Green
1 half ripe avocado
1 half apple of choice
1 cup of kale (washed)
2 tbs of flax seeds
1 scoop of Zammex MCT Oil Powder
Almond or Soy Milk to desired consistency
Directions: Mix all components in a blender. Add more almond or soy milk if you don’t want a very thick consistency. You can also add some ice cubes for a real smoothie. Blend up and enjoy!
This is one healthy snack that offers you a ton of healthy fat and valuable vitamins and minerals to kick butt on your daily routine! Stay tuned for the next recipe!