ZAMMEX MAMAGEN A Collagen Capsule for Women

Mother’s Complete Collagen Complex

All-Natural Multi Collagen Powdered With Vitamin C, Folic Acid, DHA, Elderberry and Iron

collagen distribution

Zammex Nutrition is very proud to announce the release of its latest product: Mamagen: Mother’s Collagen Complex. Mamagen was created to support women through all phases of motherhood including preconception, pregnancy and postpartum. This capsulated product contains 2000 mg of pure Multi Collagen that includes Types I, II, III, V and X collagen.

Complimentary to the collagen, Mamagen contains various ingredients to support mom’s and their babies. These ingredients include Vitamin C, Folic Acid, DHA, Elderberry and Iron. Each secondary ingredient is lightly dosed to offer the support to a standard prenatal or multi vitamin that would be recommended by a woman’s doctor.

Why Mamagen™?

The origin of this product starts almost a year ago when we were contacted by some of our loyal customers. Specifically, some of these women were experiencing postpartum hair loss and other physical ailments due to the rigors of being a new mom and the hormonal roller-coaster that comes with your bundle of joy. The women were thrilled to report that their postpartum hair loss had almost entirely stopped plus the fatigue and aches and pains had subsided as well. We were thrilled to hear of the success, but it also got us thinking that there is a need for collagen in ALL phases of motherhood.

Not All Collagen is Created Equal

Mamagen was formulated to address these specific needs of women in the phases of motherhood –

1. A pure source of protein to help promote lean body mass and provide energy

2. Combat the affects on hair, skin and nails

·Reverse the effects of postpartum hair loss

·Reinforce brittle nails

·Tighten stretch marks and promote healthy skin

3.Help with joint aches and pain

4.Fortify gut & digestive health


Support Ingredients

Included in your Mamagen capsules with the collagen is Folic Acid, DHA, Iron, Vitamin C and Elderberry to help compliment your current prenatal vitamin. Without question the collagen is the focal point of Mamagen, but we found these ingredients are extremely valuable at these phases of life and they also work in beautiful synergy with collagen.

Folic Acid is one of, it not the, most important vitamins a mom can take before getting pregnant, while pregnant and after birth. Folic Acid, which is a man-made form of Folate is vitally important in the development of the baby’s neural tube and brain. It is a must to help prevent birth defects to the baby’s brain.

DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid that has many health benefits for both the baby and mother. Doctors insist moms take a DHA supplement to ensure it is in breast milk as it plays a vital role in the development of the baby’s brain, eye, immune and nervous system.

Iron Iron deficiencies at any stage of motherhood may have long-term health implications for both mother and baby. Anemia is a big risk for mothers, which is why iron supplementation is key. Your doctor should be recommending an iron supplement for you with no questions asked. It is very important that iron-levels be supported not just to prevent fatigue, but to ensure proper growth of the baby and support for mom’s emotional and cognitive state.

Vitamin C and Elderberry are two important components of Mamagen because they support mom’s immune system. In all phases of motherhood, the last thing mom wants is to get run down with sickness, which is why the immune support is important. Elderberry also helps with constipation, which can be an issue for some pregnant mothers. Vitamin C which is a tried and true antioxidant works synergistically with collagen as well to improve synthesis. Both ingredients are natural ways to support mom’s immune system without any adverse side-effects on record.


The Collagen Dietary Supplement global market is projected to reach over USD$6 billion by 2025 according to Grand View Research. This number is driven by the healthcare sector with cosmetics having the largest impact on the total sales as of 2017. However, the overall health benefits of collagen as a consumable dietary supplement is the main factor for growth over the next decade. The growing popularity is a direct result of increased consumer knowledge of the clinically proven health benefits of supplementing Collagen. Let’s break it down quite simply what those benefits are –

1. Promotes Healthy Joints & Ligaments

Outside of the cosmetic application of Collagen, one of the oldest tested benefits of supplementing is the impact it joints and ligaments. Studies go back to 1990 that cite collagen as reducing inflammation for arthritis patients. Modern day studies show overall preservation and restoration of connective tissue in the body. As you age, this is something that absolutely cannot be taken for granted especially if you’re an active person.

2. Reduces Visual Signs of Aging

The most well-known application of supplementing Collagen is the impact it has on your skin, hair and nails. There are a significant amount of studies that clinically show Collagen supplements to have reduced skin dryness, wrinkles and even cellulite. It even showed improved skin firmness in a period of 12 short weeks. On top of these positive benefits, it’s also shown to improve brittle nails as well as hair growth and quality. As stated, this one of the most well-known benefits of Collagen and there are studies to back it up.

Read More about Collagen Supplement Benefits


Are There Collagen
Supplement Side Effects?

Is It Worth It?

Zammex Nutrition is built on the principle of Health Made Simple. Because of that we would never create a product that may have adverse side effects on our customers. However, it is vitally important that every person who chooses to take our products understands there may be side effects that aren’t anticipated. The good news is – Collagen as a dietary supplement has very few side effects. Because Zammex Nutrition’s products are derived from the best possible sources and remain totally pure, there are even fewer side effects. Here are a couple potential issues you should be aware of –

1. Hypersensitivity Reactions

There’s always a chance that you may have a hypersensitivity reaction as an abnormal response of the immune system against certain foods, drugs and supplements. While rare, it’s very important that you make sure you can consume Collagen prior to purchasing. Also, please be aware of the Collagen you are purchasing and the animal from which it came. For example, Marine Collagen comes from naturally caught Tilapia and could trigger a fish allergen. Whereas the Multi Collagen Powder contains Collagen from avian sources. Please inform yourself by reading our blogs or asking questions prior to consumption.

Read More about Collagen Side Effects


For Best Absorption

Collagen + Vitamin C

Try It Today!